Site icon The Red Barn Farm

Day 8 of #Homesteadersofigchallenge

Morning Cup is the theme of Day 8 of the #homesteadersofigchallenge
Typically this happens on the farm but I would love to take my cup of coffee like this every morning if only teleportation was possible. Farmer John and I took an extended stay at the beach for some much needed and very rare rest and relaxation.
This is heaven on earth for the dogs and me. The weather has been beautiful and the beach and ocean have been healing. After losing my brother 2 1/2 weeks ago and twins while pregnant I needed serious some time away to process and heal. A weekend at the beach was exactly what my soul needed. This year has been challenging for so many people in so many ways I just hope and pray that we all can make the necessary changes to make the world a better place.
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