I have no idea how Christmas is here! Work never ends on the farm and we have been busy tackling a handful of projects. I’m trying to get better at updating you all on the farm happenings but so many days I fall asleep while writing something only to get swallowed whole by the farm the next day. Maybe that will be my New Years resolution to make some time in the morning at least once a week to keep you informed of what’s coming at the farm. From animals to visits, produce to flowers, subscriptions to honey and upcoming events.
Thank you all for your support of our garden of lights! We have been listening and know how much everyone loves seeing and interacting with the animals. So we finally have made some time for daytime family farm visits and picnic passes. We have had to pivot every direction this year and continue to strive to give our community a safe place to enjoy a family outing during this tough time. I have been wanting to allow scheduled farm visits for the last month yet we have been too consumed with fall planting, cleaning up the fields and winter prep not to mention the myriad of other projects. We thank those of you that have been waiting for your patience I know it has been a while.
Daytime visits are by appointment for families or quarantine groups that are comfortable spending some safe time together outdoors. These will happen rain or shine and you are able to reschedule at your convenience. During a farm visit you can expect to see and feed the animals including the pigs, chickens, goats, bunnies, ducks and mules. We recommend you come dressed appropriately and expect mud and uneven ground this time of year in the Pacific Northwest. You are welcome to bring a picnic as well to enjoy lunch or snacks on the farm. We will allow 2 different family groups an hour. Once checked in there is plenty of room for social distancing. We are pet friendly as always but pets must be well mannered and leashed for their safety and the safety of the animals that live here. Our furry farm family is full of rescues and we work hard to make them feel safe and secure despite their rough pasts.
We are a working farm so we will be busy doing just that on farm visit days but we will have some time at check in to answer your questions amd we will be nearby. We are putting together a farm map so you can have a complete contactless experience in the near future as well. We will be charging $20 per car and each car will receive a treat bag for the animals. We will have extra premade feed bags for sale for $2. We also will have farm fresh organic eggs and honey for sale. Now I better go make a link for booking and get it added to this post! We look forward to seeing you and hope you have a wonderful Christmas as we can almost say goodbye to 2020 once and for all!